Tuesday 14 January 2014

A simple way of relaxation

            Do you find yourself stressed, anxious, or frustrated? Having troubles finding that relaxation from home? Well if you have a cat, I have an easy way for you to find relaxation. It's quite simple, all you must do is watch your pet cat! A cat’s life in my opinion is a definition of relaxation. Think about a cats daily routine. A cat sleeps the majority of the day, and then wakes up if he’s hungry. They can run freely around the inside and sometimes the outside of a house. They have all the time in the world to relax.
Sometimes when I’m feeling a bit stressed, I look towards my cat as he peacefully sleeps in his bed. Watching his comfort and relaxation sometimes can calm myself down. Hard to believe staring at your pet can bring comfort and relaxation. If you don’t believe me, try it at home! People’s energy inflicts on your behavior. If your surrounded by stress it will bring stress too you. If you surround yourself around relaxing people, you’ll be more relaxed. I find the cat to be one of the most relaxing animals to be around with.
A cat’s life is a relaxing life. Let their relaxation be apart of yours. 
Ultimate comfort! 
Cool website for relaxation:http://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/blissing-out-10-relaxation-techniques-reduce-stress-spot


            On Christmas morning a couple years ago, I open up a present from my mother underneath the Christmas tree. I pull out a pair of running shorts and shirts. At that time I was regularly running just for fitness. I then thanked her for the gift but she told me there was more in the gift. I started to search around in the bag and at the bottom was a letter. I opened it up. Inside it reads, “Alex Erwin signed in for the BMO Vancouver marathon”. I then look up in surprise at my mother and say, “what the heck I’m doing a marathon!?”. She then looks back with a smile and polity says, “But with me honey!”. This was an interesting gift. I wondered if my mom was hinting I was out of shape! I then started to train for this marathon.
In May of 2013 was the month of the marathon. On the day of the marathon I was slightly nervous and excited. Running 42 km sounded insane in my head but I couldn’t back out now. Once the marathon started a huge pack of people mingling around each other began to spread across the start line. Eventually everyone began to spread out. Near the end of the run was running through the city. The rush I got from the citizens cheering me was incredible! Gazing around downtown Vancouver with thousands of people running by your side was very memorable. The Finish was by far the best feeling. The goal and accomplishment of finishing the marathon brought happiness to me.
If anyone is looking for a goal to strive towards or a life long changing experience, I highly recommend running a marathon. Not only does it test your strength but it also tests who you are. During the race there are lots of times you want to stop but you continue to coach yourself through it. It’s a memory of a goal you accomplishment all by yourself.
Me after finishing my first marathon!
Picture above: My albums
Cool website for runners: http://www.runningroom.com/hm/ 

Journey of an injury

            Have any of you had an injury where it takes you away from opportunities or sports? Well I have and I’m sure if anyone of you has experienced it too, you know exactly how it feels, not only physically but also mentally.
I was a freestyle skier growing up on the ski hill. Jumping around daily, not worrying about the fear of an injury. As the years past, I had a few big injuries where I had to take sometime off the skis, but those multiple injuries eventually took me off skis for a few years. It was a tough few years, going through physios, chiropractors, and orthopedic surgeons. In the end all the hard work I went through physically and mentally paid off.
Today I was skiing on Silver Star, ripping around and jumping down drops. It brought back memories of the days I wasn’t able to simply ride down a slope. I had a huge smile all day on my face being able to freely ride. My injury still isn’t 100% but is close to it. Having a serious injury can be a very difficult time, but don’t ever think of giving up towards a full recovery. I could have, and just quit skiing. But I love the sport too much just too give up. The body is capable of healing, and to this day I’m grateful I am able to continue skiing. 

Picture above: http://wpmedia.life.nationalpost.com/2013/11/knee.jpg%3Fw%3D620
Cool website for injury recovering: http://beta.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/guide/workout-injuries-prevention-and-treatment

Monday 13 January 2014

Learning a new instrument

            Have you ever wanted to learn an instrument? I say stop procrastinating and start today! Do you have a favorite band or particular artist? Find that instrument that really grabs your attention from one of those songs and learn it! Anyone can pick up an instrument and learn it, but to find the one that is truly enjoyable for the individual and that will keep them interested, has to go with their personality.
What do you see yourself as? an aggressive person, or more of a gentle soul. From what I’ve seen, is that the more aggressive individuals tend to go towards the drums. Its simple, aggressive people tend to want to hit things, and drums are a perfect instrument to bring that out. I’m not saying that you have to be an aggressive person to play the drums, I’m just going with who I’ve seen continue to play for years. This is a very broad example, but it’s a good start to find that instrument that fits you! Listening to music brings out emotions and memoires. Imagine creating a song to a specific memory you have, and being able to play it to yourself or sharing it with others. Creating music comes from emotions. It’s a healthy way to let them out. Rather then hurting others with your emotions, write a song, and let those thoughts flow out.
So get out there and start searching! You may even get to know yourself a bit more through the learning of an instrument. 

Picture above: http://www.williampetit.com/instrument.gif
Cool website for helping choose your instrument: http://www.wikihow.com/Choose-an-Instrument