Monday 13 January 2014

Learning a new instrument

            Have you ever wanted to learn an instrument? I say stop procrastinating and start today! Do you have a favorite band or particular artist? Find that instrument that really grabs your attention from one of those songs and learn it! Anyone can pick up an instrument and learn it, but to find the one that is truly enjoyable for the individual and that will keep them interested, has to go with their personality.
What do you see yourself as? an aggressive person, or more of a gentle soul. From what I’ve seen, is that the more aggressive individuals tend to go towards the drums. Its simple, aggressive people tend to want to hit things, and drums are a perfect instrument to bring that out. I’m not saying that you have to be an aggressive person to play the drums, I’m just going with who I’ve seen continue to play for years. This is a very broad example, but it’s a good start to find that instrument that fits you! Listening to music brings out emotions and memoires. Imagine creating a song to a specific memory you have, and being able to play it to yourself or sharing it with others. Creating music comes from emotions. It’s a healthy way to let them out. Rather then hurting others with your emotions, write a song, and let those thoughts flow out.
So get out there and start searching! You may even get to know yourself a bit more through the learning of an instrument. 

Picture above:
Cool website for helping choose your instrument: 

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