Tuesday 14 January 2014

Journey of an injury

            Have any of you had an injury where it takes you away from opportunities or sports? Well I have and I’m sure if anyone of you has experienced it too, you know exactly how it feels, not only physically but also mentally.
I was a freestyle skier growing up on the ski hill. Jumping around daily, not worrying about the fear of an injury. As the years past, I had a few big injuries where I had to take sometime off the skis, but those multiple injuries eventually took me off skis for a few years. It was a tough few years, going through physios, chiropractors, and orthopedic surgeons. In the end all the hard work I went through physically and mentally paid off.
Today I was skiing on Silver Star, ripping around and jumping down drops. It brought back memories of the days I wasn’t able to simply ride down a slope. I had a huge smile all day on my face being able to freely ride. My injury still isn’t 100% but is close to it. Having a serious injury can be a very difficult time, but don’t ever think of giving up towards a full recovery. I could have, and just quit skiing. But I love the sport too much just too give up. The body is capable of healing, and to this day I’m grateful I am able to continue skiing. 

Picture above: http://wpmedia.life.nationalpost.com/2013/11/knee.jpg%3Fw%3D620
Cool website for injury recovering: http://beta.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/guide/workout-injuries-prevention-and-treatment

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